Over the past number of years, my colleague Martin McGarrigle (www.limnos-consultancy.com) and I have developed a Water Management and Water Stewardship Training Programme. The first of these courses was held last autumn across County Louth and future courses are planned in County Longford (winter – 2020), County Roscommon (spring – 2021), County Monaghan (Summer – 2021).
Funding from the Louth Leader Partnership (www.louthleaderpartnership.ie), Longford Community Resources CLG ( www.lcrl.ie) and the Roscommon Environmental Network (www.ien.ie) is gratefully acknowledged.
The training is geared towards a wide range of community groups and is particularly suited to those developing community initiatives to protect and conserve water resources. The course includes:
- An introduction to the concept of Water Catchment Management
- How best to conserve and protect water resources and biodiversity
- How to develop capacity and knowledge of best practice in environmental management
- Implementing projects to protect water and aquatic biodiversity in a safe manner
- Developing local biodiversity and water management projects
- Developing an Action Plan …the development of a water resources management plan for your area
- Study Visits – includes field/study visits to showcase the benefits of best-practice water management projects
Course Delivery
The classroom components can be delivered online. No previous knowledge of freshwater biology or ecology is required.